Jason and Crystalina Evert
Jason spoke first saying that today's talk would be spending some time on the truth and God's beauty in love. He told us the story of his grandparents, who were married 67 years before his grandma died. He said that they would always flirt together and he saw his grandpa give his grandma her last kiss. He leaned over the casket kissed her on the nose and said 'love ya Babe.' He felt that, that was the real deal and he wanted to find that as well.
Jason said that in order to find this you need to love your spouse before you even meet them. Christ tells men that you must conquer yourselves for the sake of a woman. The message of the world however, is very different.
Jason said that a guy gets emasculated by porn. The crucifix is a show of masculation. The church is for not the annihilation of our sexuality but the perfection of sexuality. One of the Church's saints spent all his money on prostitutes, so that he could convert them. He saw their dignity when they had forgotten it. Redemption of the human heart is possible, because God can make all things new.
Crystalina then took the mic, and told us her story. When she was 15 she lost her virginity and she ended up feeling that her boyfriend just seemed to want to spend time with her body and not her. When they split up she knew that he was walking away with something she could never get back. This began her spiral into sin. She was into partying and drinking, and even though she pretended to be happy she wasn't deep down. Her mum made her go to a chastity talk and God really spoke to her through that man giving the talk. Even though he had done things he wished he hadn't now he was not ashamed of himself. She realised that she had never had the peace that this man had and realised that she needed to start respecting herself and God. She wrote a letter about what she had done and all the nos she'd said in her life. She said she believes that she wouldn't have her family if she had not decided to say yes to Jesus everyday. She told us not to underestimate the power of our testimonies to other people.
Jason then resumed talking, he told us girls that modesty makes you look classy and captivating. It tells others that you are worth waiting to see. We should say to ourselves and to men that a man will not lift the veil over this body without lifting the veil over this face. Woman are at the pinnacle of creation. Adam is in awe of Eve. Chastity tests love and like fire will burn everything away.
He told us all to enjoy being single, get on our feet, go to confession and wash your soul, more than your car. Daily Mass is made for those with nothing better to do, and none of us have anything better to do. Devotion to Mary is also important. Love Our Lady.
He told us to spend some time on their website http://www.chastity.com/ and that was the end of their talk.
Sister Bethany Madonna
Told us today that we are at a palace for Jesus and that there is no sin greater than the cross.
Sister Mary Deus (I think) some of the friars and some of the other sisters then sang a song about chastity. It ran:
Part 1: You are beautiful, you are precious, you are sacred, in the eyes of the Lord.
Part 2: I must confess, I look for holiness, a man strong in virtue.
Part 3: My Saviour and my God. I lay my life down before Thee. I place my faith in your
truth. I trust in your mercy.
Part 4: I thank you Lord for making me. For truth, goodness and beauty. I thank you Lord
for your ways do bring me greatest peace and freedom. Greatest peace and
Archbishop Miller
He began by saying 'Whoever has God has enough.' He then told us to think about the parables at the sermon on the mount. We need to be like Mary hearers and doers of the Word.
We can be for or against Jesus. We can go on the narrow path to Jesus o the broad road to destruction. We have many decisions to make in our lives. These days are grace filled and are time to make decisions. It is a decisive time. We have one choice to make that is greater than any other, whether to be a disciple or not. We need to build on a rock solid foundation: the Word of God himself. He is the one who prevents our house collapsing. If you build on this foundation you will combat any problems. We need solid foundations to endure.
We need to surrender to the Lord because he knows what is best for us. Often Jesus is ignored or mocked. For faith to survive we must survive those who scorn and mock you. There will be trials and misfortunes, but we can get through it and withstand it.
We are grafted on to Christ like on a vine. With him all things are possible. With him we truly live. He, himself is our life. There are no people that equal young Christians in their vitality because they have the life of Christ in them. This starts at baptism. We should not say I was baptised but I am baptised. We are immersed in the pascal mystery of Christ. We live through him, with him and for him. You are never alone, because he never lets go. Let us never lose hold of the hand of Jesus.
It is up to us now to affirm if you are a friend of Jesus and want to be his friend. He urged us to recommit ourselves to living a Christ centred life. At the centre should be a personal relationship with Jesus, be with him, imitate him, have the same mind with Jesus, know him, listen to him, and stay with him.
Jesus is present, he is not a man of the past. Lose yourself in Jesus. Being with Christ frees you, and allows you to become the person you should be. Do not be afraid of Christ, he takes nothing away and gives everything.
The Church implores you to give yourself to Christ.
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